You have acquired a SHAREWARE VERSION of SuperView 1.01. The full version of SuperView 1.01 is no longer being released. Instead, SuperView 2.0 is the only version being sold. So when you buy SuperView, you will not recieve SuperView 1.01, but the new and improved SuperView 2.0. Please bear in mind that after your thirty day shareware trial period is over, you must buy SuperView. You agree to this, and begin your trial period as soon as you first run this shareware version of SuperView. Here is the SuperView 2.0 order form: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:__________________________________________________________ Adress:________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP:______________________________________________ E-Mail (if available):_________________________________________ Price*: $10.00 plus $0.50 for shipping and handling per copy. PRICE: S/H: QUANTITY: TOTAL PRICE: $10.00 + $0.50 x _________ = $___________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distributing this shareware copy of SuperView: You may distribute this copy of SuperView with only a few limitations: 1. Do not sell this program for more than $5.00 2. When uploading to a BBS, FTP, etc. archive in ZIP format unless specifically instructed not to 3. Do not change or in any way modify any of the files Contacting McMahon Software: These are the addresses to send order forms and any other mail to McMahon Software to... McMahon Software 11622 E. 36th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 E-Mail: WWW: We recommend that you download McMahon products from our home page rather than by any FTP, etc. you may find it on. This way you know you will get the newest versions and newest information.